About Our Practice
BodyAdjust is located at 159 William Street, Palmerston, Ontario and run by Jeff Wagler.
About Us
Professional Manual Adjustments
Centred in mid-western Ontario, the town of Palmerston has become home to a method of health care first proven in the turn of the twentieth century and now re-emerging in Ontario. This is Osteopathy. You may have heard of Osteopathy changing lives of people near you. What makes it different? Manual treatment practised at BodyAdjust involves a different way of thinking about the body. Using osteopathic principles, the mechanical cause of your symptoms is the focus in order to correct your problem, not covering them up. Our focus is on getting you moving and keeping you moving, without the use of medications. The loss of movement range should be corrected, or it can lead to other health issues.
**Please note it is the patient or client that is treated, not the problem or symptom presented.
Assists with correcting painful and restricting movements.
Unblocks the body's circulation to help your immune system work effectively.
Is a drug- free alternative treatment.
Does not cover your symptoms but gets to mechanical cause and focuses treatments to correct the problem.
Discreet, and no disrobbing necessary.
Affordable private-healthcare option.

Years in The Business
Happy Clients
Sessions Completed
Our Services
**We Specialize In

Posture Problems

Common causes are tightness in the neck, face or shoulders, restricting circulation.

Sports Injuries
Client bearing injuries resulting from strenuous forces should be treated to aid in optimal healing time.

Acute or Chronic Pain

General Aches and Pain

Muscle Spasms

Difficulty Breathing
General chronic conditions may be considered, while emergency situations are advised to seek immediate medical care.


This is the malady of “hurting everywhere”. Do not give up hope! Because we treat the whole person, there may be some area we can help.
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Ready to Make a Change?
If moving easier is on your mind, contact us for a free consultation.
Lets get you moving…
and keep you moving!